案例研究 2023年5月11日

Meeting the challenges of electrifying your vehicle fleet

With only 3% of vehicles in the UK being plug-in, 如果我们要实现英国政府在2027年底之前实现所有车辆零排放的目标,我们真的需要加快步伐.

There’s still a long way to go but organisations, 各种尺寸的, are stepping up to address the challenges that will come with switching to EV.

在最近的一次简报会上, hosted by Mitie at The Shard in London, 来自公共和私营部门的行业领袖齐聚一堂,分享他们在电动汽车之旅的不同阶段所面临的挑战,并听取组织的意见.

马潘迪特, 能源主管, welcoming our guests to The Shard at an event on transitioning to an electric fleet
马潘迪特, 能源主管, welcoming our guests to The Shard

两位主要演讲者, 来自Defra和平台住房集团, 对他们在向电动汽车转型的过程中所面临和克服的挑战,提供了令人耳目一新的诚实和深刻的描述. 由Mitie内部专家和供应商组成的小组与观众进行了热烈的讨论.


Don’t rush the EV journey – take time to understand what’s needed

As Programme Manager for Defra Property Group, Jason Ryan has been heavily involved in Defra’s transition to EV. 他承认,在他们的旅程开始时,车队经理主要关注的是寻找车辆, while the property team focused on how to keep them charged and running. 结果, initial planning for the required charging infrastructure wasn’t as coordinated as it might have been. 他说, “我们基本上是尽我们所能为现有产品充电,并同时制定充电策略.” It’s a situation that’s familiar to many organisations.

贾森说, “在电动汽车之旅的最初几个阶段,我们学到了很多东西,如果我能给那些刚开始发展电动汽车的组织一点建议的话, 你可以慢慢来. Don’t rush – take the time to understand what’s needed. 看看车载远程信息处理系统. They’ll help you build a picture of what infrastructure you’ll need, 在哪里, 以及你需要的充电速度, 当.

“When we first started working with Mitie, 发展我们的充电基础设施, the first thing they asked for was the data. They used it to build a picture based on actual journeys, 旅行的距离, 在哪里 vehicles were stopping and how long they were stationary for. 它让我们不再猜测需要什么样的基础设施,而持续的数据分析支持了我们未来需要的战略决策. We now have the evidence we need to make sure we have chargers in the right places, 以合适的速度充电, 而且是在合适的时机.”


虽然看起来很明显, 提前计划车辆交付和基础设施交付时间,并与供应商合作尽量减少延误.

Guest speaker Jason Ryan from Defra sharing his organisation's EV transition
One of our guest speakers Jason Ryan from Defra sharing his EV journey

If you’re in the public sector, you’ll know the time it takes to go out to tender. But you’ll also need to factor in the installation process and schedule, 还有额外的工作和时间来加入您的新提供商并迁移后台操作,以便一切都保持一致.

If your property portfolio includes leased buildings, 尽早与房东合作,获得批准在他们的房产上安装充电基础设施. 你几乎可以保证,有两件事将花费最多的时间:谈判租赁和安装充电器.

Take your stakeholders along for the ride

Matt Neale is Head of Fleet and Mobility as a Service for 平台房屋组. 该组织拥有约550辆轻型商用车和600多名员工. By contrast, Defra has a fleet of nearly 1600 vehicles and more than 25,000 staff. 两位发言人都同意,当涉及到电动汽车时,让员工尽早参与是很重要的.

马特说, “我们的车队战略包括电动汽车, 最初的目标是到2026年实现脱碳,但我们没有意识到这有多复杂. 在旅程初期,我们得到了40辆电动运输货车,但很快意识到我们没有地方给它们充电! 也, 工作人员最初表示反对,因为他们在未经协商的情况下就拿到了这些车辆. 我们和米蒂一起工作 改善我们的电动汽车转型之旅 包括利益相关者管理. 其中一个重要的部分是首先与我们的司机接触,并让大使帮助在内部传播这个词. When we resurveyed our drivers, we got a much more positive response.”

参与超越了明显的利益相关者,如你的司机、FM、能源和房地产团队. 马特最后说, “与所有利益相关者接触, 包括政策, 健康与安全, 财务及采购, 以及内部沟通, 使过程更简单. By doing it at the start you can avoid back-tracking and delays.”

Hardware is important, 但软件至关重要


When you’re thinking about installing charging infrastructure, think about its future use as well as current needs. 硬件很重要, 但软件至关重要, 您可能会与您的软件提供商建立长期的关系,因为他们会不断开发他们的解决方案. 您的供应商可以帮助确保软件将支持和未来证明您的基础设施,因为您的车队转型.



There are some things that aren’t quite ready. 例如,一些大型车辆还没有作为电动汽车提供,而且可能在一段时间内都不会. 在英国, 没有计划, 在接下来的两到三年里, to manufacture 4×4 EVs that can carry loads of 3.5 tonne or more without draining the batteries. 结果是, 当涉及到政府目标和执行电动汽车战略时,某些车型需要一些灵活性.

如果你的澳博官方网站或物业团队需要运输重型设备,这可能会涉及到他们, so engage with them early on to find the best solution in the meantime.

碎片大厦(The Shard)的专家小组参加了一场关于企业向电动车队过渡的活动
Our panel of EV experts (L-R Matt Dale, Mitie, Head of 运输 Consultancy; Lester Evelyn, 充点, Head of Channel Partnerships; Gareth Sutcliff, Mitie, EV BD Director; Emma Chetwynd Jarvis, 岩石电源连接, EV Charging Director; Mark Ford-Powell, Defra, Fleet Manager – Planning and Performance; Matt Neale, 平台房屋组, Head of Fleet and MaaS; Alex Avila, Mitie, 零计划发展总监


数据是一项大业务,企业对电动汽车和充电站之间共享数据的潜在安全风险感到担忧,这是可以理解的. There are different options for charging, from a ‘tap and go’ scenario 在哪里 the driver can charge without logging in, 到使用RFID(射频识别)技术授权收费的更安全的解决方案.

It’s important to choose a system that gives a range of options for your drivers, 在需要时提供智能授权, and provides the operational data that you need. 也, 确保您选择的供应商具有所需的安全遵从性并满足您的数据需求.


有很多解决方案, 比如充电应用, which support the commercial and public charging infrastructure, but they are managed in separate environments. 需要进行行业咨询,将解决方案整合到一个更简单的生态系统中,这也有助于战略规划.

也, with the need to link charging infrastructure with third party systems, like building management systems and fleet management platforms, connectivity within the ecosystem will be increasingly important. 将所有这些结合在一起的技术将是开发真正的联合解决方案的关键.


许多企业不太可能发现自己的充电器经常被员工使用, 访客及客户. With the right 安全系统 in place, 通过向公众开放你的超快速充电中心,有规律的闲置期可以提供一个创造收入的绝佳机会. 还有可能为不能在任何地方停车的蓝光澳博官方网站车辆提供安全的充电空间.


在Mitie, we’re committed to protecting our planet for future generations, 其中很大一部分是 帮助世界向电动汽车过渡. 我们言行一致. In fact, we’ve already converted almost half of our own fleet to EVs. 这是3,000辆纯电动汽车上路, generating an annual saving of around 15,000吨二氧化碳.

我们的电动汽车充电点专家, 基础设施和软件解决方案, are helping leading organisations make the transition to an electric fleet. 如果你需要咨询帮助, 解决方案设计, 构建和安装, 数据的见解, 技术收购, 持续维护, 或融资, we’re on hand to discuss your options and get your organisation into the EV fast lane.


如果你想了解更多信息, need to talk to someone about an enquiry or want to chat about your service needs, 那你来对地方了.

Please fill in our short form and a member of our team will be in touch.

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